Polyester acrylate (PEA)

Polyester acrylate (PEA)

Polyester acrylate (PEA)

4203 PEA
PEA classic, the most widely used, the largest sales. Faster curing, good flexibility, low shrinkage, low skin irritation. There is halogen. It has good wetting dispersion of pigments, fillers and dyes, and good sanding. Offset printing ink and DPA2 supporting.
4230 PEA
Medium construction viscosity, flexibility and good compatibility, high gloss and high fullness, curing faster. There is halogen. Ink balance is good, the pigment, filler, dye wettability and grinding is good, and thermoplastic pure acrylic supporting use to improve adhesion.
4220 PEA
Low viscosity, flexibility, good compatibility, high gloss, high fullness. Improve the adhesion of the formula. Halogen, cost-effective. Replace part of TP in the formula, reduce viscosity, reduce cost and toughen.
4210 PEA
Low viscosity, good compatibility and dilution, good flexibility, high gloss. Slow drying, improve formula adhesion, high fullness. Halogen, cost-effective.
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